
The one thing you need to do to improve your sex life

CakeThu 20th June 2019

Let’s talk about sex. Because we don’t, do we? Not really. Not fully, authentically and honestly.  I know...

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Let’s talk about sex… or, why there is more to it than downloading an app

CakeThu 21st February 2019

There was a Kickstarter doing the rounds on social media last week. It’s called LOVESYNC and it’s an...

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It’s time to take relationships less seriously

CakeWed 9th January 2019

I have noticed in the last year or two that some people I met went straight from being...

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How do we model what we do not see? Learning to be patient in an impatient world

CakeThu 18th October 2018

Attention and patience: the two things that we find hard, or are reluctant, to give but which we...

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“Wanderlust”, opening up and creating extraordinary relationships

CakeSat 8th September 2018

A shorter version of this piece appeared in The Sun on September 8th 2018 https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/7205339/polyamorous-relationships-sex-… Every relationship, even...

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The limitations and possibilities of language

CakeTue 26th June 2018

I have written previously about the power and limitations of language and, as I said then, the core concept...

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Affairs, desire and conscious relationships

CakeSat 16th June 2018

I recently had a wonderful conversation with writer and traveller, Christine Wild, about desire and conscious relationships, here...

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How NOT to open your relationship…

CakeWed 22nd November 2017

I read this article and posted this tweet today. No explicit conversations, relying on “mutual understanding”, ignoring boundaries...

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What love is to me?

CakeMon 30th October 2017

The Greeks had over half a dozen words for love, many European languages distinguish between romantic and familial love...

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