

CakeThu 14th June 2018

71 pairs of hands that will never hug or play again 71 pairs of feet that every summer’s grass will...

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Snap Out of It

CakeTue 15th May 2018

It was on reading yet another piece of exceptional, but bleak, journalism about the impact of chocolate production...

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Why being ‘selfish’ made me a better parent

CakeThu 26th April 2018

One of the most common accusations I have had levelled at me since I came out about my...

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Discussing conscious relationships on BBC Five Live

CakeWed 18th April 2018

I contributed, with Andrea, to a converation on BBC Five Live about conscious relationships earlier in April. The...

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Book groups and the importance of talking about stories

CakeFri 2nd March 2018

I have been lucky enough to be part of a writing group for nearly five years and they...

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Poly in the mainstream media

CakeTue 13th February 2018

I will write occasional posts about the way in which polyamory and non-monogamy is portrayed in the mainstream...

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On sofa-boxset-takeaway culture

CakeTue 30th January 2018

A thoughtful and compassionate piece on the big money interests behind our habits… and how only conscious awareness...

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Article in The Sun 25th January 2018

CakeSun 28th January 2018

This is a more accurate reflection of what happened in my relationships and shows the joy that the changes have...

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The Guardian article 20/01/18

CakeSat 20th January 2018

I always hoped sharing my story would help people to see that a changed and ended marriage is...

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